extra courses
Educational and developmental activities for kids of all ages.
Little Genius
2-3 years
It is very important to develop a child's organization from an early age and teach him to communicate with his peers. With the help of singing and musical games, children begin to speak faster. In group classes, the child acquires a sense of security and trust in the world around him, adapts more easily to new conditions, and receives comprehensive development.
Common skills are being formed - "listening" and "learning". Fine motor skills of the hands are developing
1700 AED
The cost of the subscription
45 min + 10 min of communication with the parent
Duration of the lesson
3-4 years
Develops: phonemic hearing and phonemic perception of language. Structures the formation of learning skills, focusing on visual and auditory perceptions, developing memory, attention, imagination and thinking. Children learn all the letters of the Russian alphabet. They learn to spell out the printed letters of the alphabet and numbers. The simplest learning skills and the ability to work in a group are formed
1700 AED
The cost of the subscription
50 min + 10 min of communication with the parent
Duration of the lesson
global mind
4-7 years
Develops: critical and creative thinking, cognitive flexibility and project thinking, free oral speech skills in a child, without embarrassment and complexes.
The course is aimed at developing speech and a deep understanding of the language and immersion in culture. The syllabic system and learning to read. We focus on all 4 modalities (reading, speaking, listening and writing).
Education is based on subjects such as reading and writing, mathematics, the world around us/natural sciences, music and creativity
2500 AED
The cost of the subscription
140 min + 10 min of communication with the parent
Duration of the lesson
Global Mind is a comprehensive approach to the study of general education subjects using the method of interdisciplinary integration.
speech therapist
3-6 years
• Prevention and correction of pronunciation
• Stimulation of speech activity in children with speech delay.
• Respiratory gymnastics for the formation of proper physiological and speech breathing.
• Formation of general, fine, articulatory motor skills.
• Development of phonemic hearing, preparation for literacy, formation of graphomotor skills.
• Development of higher mental functions (memory, attention, thinking).
• Defectology
• Learning poems
• Stimulation of communication skills
• Formation of vocabulary and grammatical foundations of the language
350 AED
The cost of the subscription
30/45 min
Duration of the lesson
piano and vocals
4-6 years
Song is the development of musical, general creative abilities of imagination and imagination. The piano has a positive effect on the development of movement coordination, the student learns to memorize information faster, develops perseverance and improves attentiveness, and all developed skills will remain with the child in the future. You need to have a music notebook with you.
1360/1720 AED
The cost of the subscription
30/45 min
Duration of the lesson
4-6 years
The setting of the body and the formation of correct posture. Work on stretching and flexibility of the body. Bring your ballet shoes and comfortable clothes.
900 AED
The cost of the subscription
50 min
Duration of the lesson
5-6 years
Teaches: The creation of the first codes in programming; The basics of mathematics and analytical thinking; The creation of games and applications. It helps to turn a passion for gadgets into a useful skill and, possibly, a profession in the future.
950 AED
The cost of the subscription
55 min
Duration of the lesson
mom and baby
Teaches: The creation of the first codes in programming; The basics of mathematics and analytical thinking; The creation of games and applications. It helps to turn a passion for gadgets into a useful skill and, possibly, a profession in the future.