our approach
One of the key points of our educational approach is a personal curriculum for each child, created individually taking into account their needs and goals.
As a result, we create a long-term educational plan for each child, in which we pay special attention to cultural and linguistic development.
We are proud to compare education in the AIST family with the best examples of home schooling, as each child in our family is considered as a unique personality.
The phenomenon of bilingualism is the central object of attention
of various sciences, the general issues of the formation of bilingual
competence are considered from the standpoint of psycholinguistics, linguodidactics, psychology and are based on the possibility of mastering a second language at an early age.

There are a significant number of methods, approaches, techniques and technologies for learning foreign languages that have been popular in Russia and abroad at various times. The most popular and time-proven effectiveness is attributed to communicative approaches to teaching foreign languages, especially approaches related to content analysis.
We live the language
The practice of many years of working with bilingual children has justified itself and shown that the best way to teach bilingual children is - this is the use of several methods depending on the group of children, their age and development, as well as using an individual approach and feedback from the child himself.